Latest figures from the Bank of Ghana’s Summary of Economic and Financial Data, show that Ghana’s debt stock rose by GHS13 billion to hit GHS304.6 billion as of March 2021, representing 70.2% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
The additional GHS13 billion debt came about between December 2020 and March 2021.
The $3 billion Eurobond raised by the government in March substantially constituted to the GHS13 billion rise in debt.
Ghana’s total debt stock, as of December 2020, was GHS291.6 billion.
Of the total debt stock, the domestic debt is GHS163.6 (37.3% of GDP) as of the end of March 2021.
It was GHS149.8 billion in December 2020.
The external debt component was GHS141 billion (37.7% of GDP).
Source: ashantibiz