Oforikrom Municipal Assembly is one of the forty three (43) Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ashanti Region. It was carved out of the erstwhile Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly and inaugurated on 15th March 2018 with the LI 2291. The Municipality has a Municipal Chief Executive, fifteen (15) Elected Assembly Members, Seven Government Appointed Assembly Members and a Member of Parliament
The Municipality is located between Latitude 6.35oN and 6.40oS and Longitude 1.30oW and 1.35oE and elevated 250 to 300 meters above sea level. The Municipality shares boundaries with Ejisu to the East, Bosomtwe District Assembly to the South, Asokwa Municipal Assembly to the South West, Asokore Mampong to the North and Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly to the West.
It is approximately 270km north of the national capital, Accra. It has a surface area of approximately 4,978.47 hectares (49.78 kilometers square) which is about 0.0192 percent of the total land area of Ashanti Region. The following map shows the Municipality in the national context.

The Oforikrom Municipal Assembly established under the legislative Instrument L.I 2291 of 2017 and subsequently inaugurated on 15th March,2018 . This was aimed at ensuring an effective local governance administrative system and drawing the citizenry closer to government
“Nimdeɛ ne mpontuo” (Knowledge and Development)
The mission is to create an enabling environment for development of all inhabitants in the municipality whilst preserving the natural environment
The vision of the OFMA is to be a model of decentralized development
Core Values: The Municipality, in its quest to achieve overall development of its inhabitants shall adhere to, but not limited to the following core values: integrity; selflessness; justice and fairness; accountability; transparency and excellence.
The functions of the Assembly as given by the Local Governance Act 936, 2016 section 12 is as follows.
- Exercise political and administrative authority in the district
- Be responsible for the overall development of the district;
- Formulate and execute plans, programmes and strategies for the effective mobilization of the resources necessary for the overall development of the district;
- Promote and support productive activity and social development in the district and remove any obstacles to initiative and development;
- Sponsor the education of students from the district to fill particular manpower needs of the district especially in the social sectors of education and health, making sure that the sponsorship is fairly and equitably balanced between male and female students;
- Initiate programmes for the development of basic infrastructure and provide municipal works and services in the district;
- Be responsible for the development, improvement and management of human settlements and the environment in the district;
- In co-operation with the appropriate national and local security agencies, be responsible for the maintenance of security and public safety in the district;
- Ensure ready access to courts in the district for the promotion of justice;
- Act to preserve and promote the cultural heritage within the district;
- Initiate, sponsor or carry out studies that may be necessary for the discharge of any of the duties conferred by this Act or any other enactment.
Hon Gloria Temmah Gambrah
Municipal Chief Executive
Contact Info
+233 206 915 462
Hon. Mrs. Gloria Temmah Gambrah is the Municipal Chief Executive for Oforikrom Municipal Assembly. Before her appointment, she was working at the Quality Assurance and Planning Unit under the Vice-Chancellor’s office at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She joined the University in 1998 as a Typist and rose through the ranks to the position of a Principal Administrative Assistant. At the University, she worked in the following Departments: Department of Book Industry, Board of Graduate Studies, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department Integrated Rural Art & Industry, Department of Biochemistry & Biotechnology and Faculty of Law.
Gloria has vast practical experience in day-to-day administrative duties. She has served as Secretary on various Departmental and Faculty Boards in the University. She also served on a number of Committees such as KNUST Junior and Senior Staff Housing Committee, KNUST Provident Fund Management Committee, Committee to develop a ten-year Strategic Plan for KNUST Registrar’s Offices, Committee to Peer-review the Report of Solomon Panford Committee on Rebranding of the KNUST Registrar’s Offices among others.
Hon. Temmah Gambrah is also a strong Unionist. At the time of her appointment, she was the Ashanti Regional Chairperson of Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union (TEWU). She was also a Member of the National Executive Council of TEWU, a Board Member on the TEWU Fund Board of Trustees and a Member/Secretary on Finance Sub-Committee of TEWU Fund Board.
Gloria started her basic education at South Suntreso L/A Primary School in Kumasi. She attended Asanteman Secondary School where she obtained her Ordinary Level Certificate. She read for a Diploma in Management Studies at the University of Cape Coast, BSc. in Human Resource Management at the University College of Management Studies, Kumasi affiliated to University of Winneba and currently holds Master of Arts in Administration in Higher Education from University of Cape Coast.
Gloria is a firm believer in decentralized and corporate governance. She is in her early 40s, has three children, a Christian and a native of Kronom in the Ashanti Region.
List of electoral areas
Anloga East
Anloga West
Anwomaso / Bebre
Aprade / Mmesewam
Ayeduase / Kotei / Twumduase
Ayigya Akatego
Ayigya Zongo
Deduako / Kodiekrom / Apemso
Emena / Boadi / Appiadu / Kokoben
Kentinkrono / Nsenie / Oduom
Oforikrom East
Oforikrom West

HonFrank Frimpong
Presiding Member & Assembly Man, Anwomaso / Bebre Electoral Area

HonSolomon Kumi
Assembly Man, Anloga East Electoral Area

HonHopeson Keku
Assembly Man, Anloga West Electoral Area

HonKwame Owusu Bampoe
Assembly Man, Aprade / Mmesewam Electoral Area

HonJustice Atobrah
Assembly Man, Ayeduase/Kotei/Twumduase Electoral Area

HonIssaka Ali Sambo
Assembly Man, Ayigya Electoral Area

HonCharles Enchill
Assembly Man, Ayigya Aketego Electoral Area

HonIsaac Duah
Assembly Man, Bomso Electoral Area

HonRichard Nyarko
Assembly Man, Deduako / Kodiekrom / Apemso Electoral Area

HonKwame Owusu Basoah
Assembly Man, Kentinkrono / Nsenie / OduomElectoral Area

HonJohn Nketiah
Assembly Man, Oforikrom East Electoral Area

HonJoshua Ofori
Assembly Man, Oforikrom West Electoral Area

HonEvelyn Agyemang
Assembly woman, Tech Electoral Area

HonKenneth Owusu Bediako
Assembly Man, Emena/Boadi/Appiadu/Kokoben Electoral Area
Facility | Status/ Type |
Asbury Hospital | Private |
Bomso Clinic | Private |
Florence Maternity Home | Private |
KNUST Hospital | Quasi-Government |
Kumasi Comfort Maternity Home | Private |
New Life Maternity Home | Private |
Oforikrom (Kumasi) Clinic | Private |
Kumasi Church Of Christ Clinic | CHAG |
Peace And Love Hospital | Private |
Queen Victoria Maternity Clinic | Private |
Victory (Kumasi) Maternity Home | Private |
Yentumi Boitey Clinic | Private |
Ayeduasi Clinic | Government |
Anwomaso Clinic | Government |
Ahmadiyyya Homeopathic Acupuncture and Herbal Clinic | Private |
Aninwaah Medical Centre (Emena Hospital) | Private |
Graceland Hospital | Private |
Central Administration
Central Administration is headed by the Municipal Coordinating Director (MCD) and is responsible for ensuring the implementation of governmental policies, projects and programmes at the Municipal level.
The main responsibility of the department is to direct policy formulation, planning and decision-making. They also act as a liaison between Heads of other governmental and non-governmental agencies and the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE). It also manages financial and other resources of the Assembly in consultation with the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).
The Municipal Coordinating Director serves as a Secretary to the Assembly and chairs the Municipal Planning and Coordinating Unit (MPCU) and also acts as an advisor to the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE).
The Department also ensures that the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff are well developed.
Public Relations
This Unit headed by the Information Officer exists to create awareness and inform the public of the Assembly’s Programmes and activities. The Public Affairs unit creates a mode of communication between the Municipal Assembly, assembly residents and other internal and external stakeholders. Its keen interest is in the effective information dissemination regarding Oforikrom Municipal Assembly’s policies, programmes, processes, procedures and activities to stakeholders.
The unit is also into the preparation of articles, news stories, features, rejoinders and media advisories for dissemination through media channels as well as monitoring media coverage of activities of the Assembly in the media for the information and attention of the administrative head
Environmental Health and Sanitation Unit
The Waste Management Department is responsible for the provision of facilities, infrastructure Services and programmes for effective and efficient waste management for the improvement in environmental sanitation, the protection of the environment and the promotion of public health. The department primarily receives and provides adequate treatment and effective disposal of solid waste.
As part of ensuring proper hygiene, the department supervises the cleansing of drains, streets, markets, car parks and weeding of road sides and open spaces as well as inspection and maintenance of sanitary facilities in the Metropolis
Development Planning Unit
The Municipal Planning and Coordinating Unit plays a leading role in the planning, implementation and evaluation of developmental projects and programmes in the Assembly. It provides a lead support to the Assembly in the preparation of Annual Reports, Developmental Action Plans and Medium-Term Development Plans. It also monitors and reports on all developmental projects that takes place within the Municipality. The Unit plays the role of ensuring that the capabilities, skills and knowledge of staff are well developed to ensure their effectiveness and efficiency.
Procurement Unit
The unit provides strategic direction for the achievement of the overall objective of the procurement function in the Service. Its main responsibility is to ensure that the procurement activities are in harmony with the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016, Act 914 used alongside the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663), supervise stores management and assets disposal as well as the Preparation and submission of Annual and Periodic Reports to the Public Procurement Authority.
The unit also plans and coordinates activities related to procurement, manages the development and implementation of the procurement plan, provides inputs for the preparation of the annual budget and liaises with service providers and other stakeholders to undertake procurement activities.
Budget Unit
The Budget Unit provides technical leadership in the preparation and management of the budget in the Oforikrom Municipal Assembly.
It advises the Assembly on cost and financial implications in making financial decisions. It coordinates the preparation of budgets, participates in the preparation of procurement plan and assists in fee-fixing resolutions.
MIS Unit
The Management Information System Unit (MIS) under the Central administration Of Oforikrom Municipal Assembly of Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development
MIS (management information systems) unit is the department or unit controlling hardware and software systems used in the Assembly. The MIS also helps in the controlling of software that is used to store, organize and analyze information and data to support the development, management and implementation of policies, programs and services in the Local Government Service.
To become the most effective and efficient information technology unit in the assembly that serves with performance of professionalism in ICT related tools to enhance staff and interest of public, to also promote objectives for the development project of the assembly throughout the offices, Area Council, and all residents to accesses information pertaining in the Municipal, which include data analysis, data captured, maintenance, services of computer peripherals.
To develop computer systems as an affective interface for governmental programmes and activities based on ICT in the Municipal Assembly.
- Ensuring all ICT related programs are functioning well in the assembly
- Services and maintenance of all ICT tools in all decentralized departments and units of the assembly.
- Support in public address system projecting subjecting in general assembly meetings and governmental programs that will be held in municipalities
Core Duties
- Services and maintenance of all ICT tools are installed process for use
- Support in updating, analysis of data and printing of property rate/BOP
- Issuance of the update and printing staff salary and pay slip
- Issuance of computer and ICT tools function properly
- Issuance that system use to print property rate and business operating licenses are functions
- Maintenance of all the internet facilities in the assembly
- Train staff to know how to use the ICT tools
- Insuring all software systems HRMIS and others including; clocking devices, digital address systems are function properly.
- Assist in revenue mobilization software maintenance
- All designed staff identification, letter Heads, flyers banners and any proposal of graphic designs
Transport Department
Establishment of Transport Department At MMA Level
The Transport Department is established at Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies as per Second Schedule of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936).
Strategic Overview of Transport Department
The guiding principles for the functioning of the Transport Department are as follows:
Vision: Providing a World standard Urban Mobility System that guarantees safe, efficient, effective and accessible mobility in the district.
Mission: To deliver transportation planning, regulation and management solutions that provide safe, effective, efficient, accessible and convenient mobility system consistent with best consumer satisfaction to enhance the quality of life of the people.
Objectives of the Establishment of the Transport Department
- To ensure development of a well-planned transport network and properly regulated transportation services within the district;
- To develop accurate transport database to enable effective integration of urban and transport development at the district level
- To ensure effective and efficient transport service delivery and improvement of general mobility of people and goods within the district;
- To develop capacity and technical expertise for transport planning, regulation, safety and network development at the district level;
- To assist the District Assembly in executing its functions in relation to planning and development of transport infrastructure, i.e., transport terminals, taxi ranks, car parks, bus stops;
- To regulate movement of specified vehicles on specified roads to minimize congestion within the principal commercial centres;
- To regulate commercial transport services, control the use of Lorry Parks, bus stops, and car parking areas;
- To coordinate traffic management measures to minimize congestion on the general road network;
- To sensitize transport stakeholders on local policies and programs and provide opportunities for operator feedback.
The Finance Department leads in the management and use of financial resources to achieve value for money.
The Finance Department provides financial advice on the Financial Administration Act, Internal Audit Agency Act, Procurement Act, and any other financial regulations approved by the Government and by doing so ensures the maintenance of proper of accounts.
It directs and controls financial management in line with public sector accounting principles thereby safeguarding of the Assembly’s assets
Revenue Unit
The Revenue department is in charge of generating revenue to the Assembly and also collecting data to enable the Assembly collect all if its outstanding revenue.
The Department is always described as the engine of the Assembly simply because all developmental projects which the Assembly plans to execute, does depends on the revenue the generate.
The Human Resource Department coordinates all human resource related programmes including organizing staff trainings, translating institutional policies in respect of employment, personnel, wages and salaries into good management practices performance appraisal. The Department updates the records of staff on regular basis as well as ensuring the inter and intra departmental collaboration to facilitate staff performance and development and also sees to the general welfare of Staffs and Appraising direct reports.
The Oforikrom Municipal Assembly has an Internal Audit unit which provides support to the Assembly by;
- Assessing payment vouchers to ensure value for money.
- Monitoring Revenue collection
- Assessing suitability of controls in place
- Advising management on the need for review of any unsuitable controls
- Assessing an d report on activities of other departments of the Assembly
- Undertaking any assignments assigned by management
Department of Physical Planning
The Physical Planning Department merges the activities of the Department of Town and Planning and the Department of Parks and Gardens
- The department advice to the Assembly or national policies or physical planning , land use and development
- It coordinates activities and projects of department and other agencies including Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure compliance with planning standards.
- It assists in preparation of physical plans as a guide for the formulation of development policies and decisions and to design projects in the district
- It assist to identify problems concerning development of land at the district level
- It advice on preparation of structures for towns and villages within the district
- It advice on the conditions for the construction of public and private building and structures
- It advice on the condition for the construction of public and private buildings and structures
- It assist to provide the layout for buildings for buildings for improves housing layout and settlement
- It ensure the prohibition of the construction of new buildings unless building plans submitted have been approved by the Assembly
- It advice and facilitate the demolition of dilapidated buildings and recovery of expenses incurred in connection with demolition
- It advice the Assembly on the siting of bill boards, masts and ensure compliance with the decisions of the Assembly
- It advice on the acquisition of landed property in the public interest and undertake street, house numbering and related issues.
Department of Social Welfare and Community Development (DSWCD)
To take lead in integrating the disadvantaged, vulnerable and excluded in mainstream of development.
The SWCD Department work in partnership with individuals, families, groups and communities to improve their social wellbeing through their active participation in promoting development with equity.
- Facilitate the mobilization of available human and material resources to improve the living standards of individuals, groups, families and communities within an effectively decentralized system of administration.
- Prevent and respond to social exclusion and mal adjustment within the context of national and sub national development efforts.
The Department of Social Welfare and Community Development operate on two sections or units namely; Social Welfare Unit and Community Development. Below is the organogram and general functions of the department.
Social Welfare and Community Development Department (Head) | ||||||||||||
Social Welfare Section | Community Development Section | |||||||||||
Child Right Promotion Unit | Justice Administration Unit | Community Care Unit | Adult Education Unit | Home Science Extension /Local Economic Development Unit | Extension Services Unit |
- Facilitate community-based rehabilitation of persons with disabilities.
- Assist and facilitate provision of community care services including:
- registration of persons with disabilities
- assistance to the elderly
- personal social welfare services
- hospital welfare services
- assistance to street children, child survival and development and
- socio-economic and emotional stability in families.
- Assist to maintain specialized residential services in the districts.
- Facilitate the registration and supervision of non-governmental organizations and their activities in the district.
- Justice administration – assist children and adults in contact and conflict with the law.
- Register and supervise early childhood development centers.
- Assist to organize community development programmes to improve and enrich standard of living through:
- organizing literacy and adult education programme.
- mobilizing voluntary contributions and communal labour for the provision of facilities and services such as water, schools, library, community centers and public places of convenience.
- teaching deprived women in home management and child care.
- offering employable and sustainable skills training programme.
- promoting and providing alternative livelihood empowerment skills for the deprived in the communities.
- promoting entrepreneurial skills, business support services and linkages to financial institutions to beneficiaries of skills training programme.
- mobilizing and training voluntary leaders and community-based organizations as change agents in the communities.
- Providing extension services to governmental and non-governmental organizations.
- Facilitating the roll out of the Child Protection tool kits through community and engagement and dialogue.
The Department look forward in working with other stakeholders and partners in areas of social development to promote the social wellbeing of the people in the Municipality.
Department of Works
The works department is made up of four (4) sections comprising Building, Water and Sanitation and Road and Advert
The Building section sees to the implementation of social infrastructure within the Municipality. It is made up of Development Control and Estate units. The Development Control unit under the section carried out inspection at the various communities within the Municipality and give technical advices to developers. It also ensure that, at every stage of development, Technical officer visit site to inspect and give technical advice to developers. This section sees to halt unauthorized developments within the Municipality.
The section has a core mandate of facilitating and /or providing safe and related sanitation services to communities within the Municipality and promotion of hygiene. Specifically, the section is also responsible: providing technical advice on construction and maintenance of water supply and sanitation facilities
The section is responsible for all un-engineered and engineered roads and cleaning of culverts/unlined within Municipality.
The section sees erection of new sign posts and also ensures the existing ones do follow the technical advice given them to ensure visibility to of drivers and pedestrians. It also ensure that, before a new Billboard is mounted, Technical officers visit the said site to inspect and give technical advice to Advertiser. This section makes sure that new billboard is been mounted at the exact place given to Advertisers by officers. This section also helps in generating revenue from Advertising Companies within the Municipality
The National Disaster Management organization (NADMO) is the government agency that is responsible for the management of disaster as well as other emergencies in Ghana.
Function: NADMO perform specific functions which are all aimed at ensuring that in time of emergency. These are functions are;
- Rehabilitation services for victims of disaster
- Mobilization of people at various levels of Society to support government programmes.
- Ensuring the preparedness of the Municipality in the management of disasters.
- Coordinating the activities of various government agencies in the Municipality in the management of disasters.
Department of Agriculture
The mission of the department is to promote sustainable agriculture and thriving agribusiness through research and technology development, effective extension and other support services to farmers, processors and traders for improved livelihood. The department of Agriculture is the lead agency and focal point of Oforikrom Municipal Assembly, responsible for developing and executing policies and strategies for the agriculture sector within the context of a coordinated national socio-economic growth and development agenda. By means of a sector-wide approach, the department’s plan and programmes are developed, coordinated and implemented through policy and strategy frameworks.
The department has (6) agricultural extension agents (AEAs) who are the frontline staff and they conduct farm and home visits to advice farmers on farm and farming related issues and give solution to their problems. The department headed by the Municipal Director of Agriculture conducts regular monitoring and evaluation of all agricultural programs and projects in the Municipality. He also ensures that staff of the department are abreast with modern technical knowledge by ensuring that there are regular technical backstopping on selected relevant topics.
The department has six (6) sub-sectors, which are the extension sub-sector, Crops sub-sector, Women in Agricultural Development (WIAD), Livestock sub-sector, Veterinary sub-sector and the Management Information System (MIS)
Extension sub-sector
The Extension sub-sector is responsible for the overseeing of agricultural technology diffusion through the management of an extension delivery service in the Municipal. Extension programmes have been the main conduit for disseminating information on farm technologies, support rural adult learning and assist farmers in developing their farm technical and managerial skills. It is expected that extension programmes will help increase farm productivity, farm revenue, reduce poverty and minimize food insecurity.
Crops sub–sector
The crops sub-sector is responsible for the production and facilitate the processing, distribution and marketing of food, industrial and export crops; quality planting materials and the efficient use and management of soil and water resources for sustainable agriculture production. The major crops being cultivated in the Municipal include; lettuce, spring onions, cabbage, rice, maize and green pepper.
WIAD sub–sector
This sub-sector is responsible for implementing policies and programs that promotes delivery of improved technologies and information on agricultural production and post-production in an environmentally sustainable manner. This sub-sector have four Units namely: Nutrition, Food safety, Value addition and Gender/Livelihoods
It ensures the implementation of policies which are beneficial to especially women farmers and processors in the Municipal.
The sub-sector provides technical advice to farm families in crop, livestock and fish production, processing, utilization and marketing through technical officers and other stakeholders.
Livestock sub–sector
This sub-sector is responsible for promoting and sustaining poultry and livestock production for food security, employment creation and income generation through research, effective technical support, extension services, agro-business and industry, whilst ensuring that gender and environmental issues are adequately addressed.
The major farm animals reared in the municipal include sheep, goat, cattle, poultry, rabbits, and grasscutter.
Veterinary sub–sector
The Veterinary sub-sector is to ensure a stable animal health situation through the provision of quality animal health care services by public sector veterinary practitioners to enhance livestock, poultry and companion animals’ production and productivity.
Statistics Department
MISSION: To harness, produce and manage quality statistics of the local level based on national standards using competent staff to provide evidence-based decision-making to aid in local and national governance and development.
The statistics department was established to:
- enhance the use of evidence-based statistics for decision making.
- harmonize concepts, methods and classifications used in the production of statistics of all levels.
- assist the MMDA to mobilize revenue for development.
- systematize the collation of administrative data across the sector and geographical units.
- reinforce the coordination of statistics generation, compilation, analysis, storage, archiving and dissemination across of departments within the MMDA.
- engender statistical literacy among stakeholders.
- To collect, compile, store and analyze data based on standardized formats developed by GSS.
- Disseminate and publish statistical data based on guidelines developed by GSS.
- To ensure that statistics is produced to meet international standards.
- To prepare and submit annual reports of its operation to the District Assemblies.
- Coordinate district statistical activities and archiving of statistics to serve as a repository of statistical data in the district.
- Provide timely data for incorporation into districts, regional and national level statistical analyses.
- Provide statistical literacy and research.
- Monitor statistical enquiries or surveys within the MMDA.
Source: Ashantibiz