The Dean of the Faculty of Business Education at the Akenten Appiah Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Professor Isaac Boateng says the University is poised to produce well-trained personnel with skills to reduce graduate unemployment in Ghana.
He has, therefore, urged parents and prospective undergraduate applicants to make the University a 1st choice to guarantee their employment on the job market after graduation.
According to Professor Boateng, the University would leave no stone unturned to live by its core mandate as the only tertiary institution in Ghana to secure employment for its graduates as it leads a crusade to end what he called graduate unemployment association.
The Akenten Appiah Menka University of Skills Training which used to be the Kumasi and Asante Mampong Campuses of the University of Education, Winneba, became a fully-fledged University in 2020 and is now an autonomous Tertiary Institution. Prof Boateng said the training at the University is competence based as almost all the departments are designed to produce graduates who would not only be self-reliant but well positioned to create employment opportunities for others.
“Akenten Appiah Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development is a school of choice in the whole country. It is a university meant for training technical students and technical teachers. With this, upon completion of the school, you will have a skill to set up your own job and start working. There will be no need to search for jobs,” he stated.
Professor Boateng suggested the formation of the Association of Weekend Students Group to contribute to the development of the University.
Source: Ashantibiz
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