A total of 24 farms in the country have been affected by the current bird flu outbreak. They are 18 farms in the Greater Accra region, three from the Central Region, two from the Ashanti region and one from the Volta region.
Dr Benjamin Kissi Sasu, Risk Communicator, Ghana Veterinary Services Directorate, told Ashantibiz that out of a total stock of 19,320 birds in the Greater Accra region, 11,491 had died from the outbreak.
The Central region had 4,100 birds dead out of the Region’s total stock of 13,657 and the Volta region, 495 birds out of the region’s 2,482 birds, he said.
Dr Sassu said the Ashanti region recorded 2,728 deaths out of the Region’s 5,992 bird stock.
This means that out of the 41,451 total bird stock in the four regions, 18,814 had died as a result of the flu.
He urged bird farmers to abide strictly by all preventive measures against the flu, adding that the Ghana Veterinary Services, among other measures, was on strict monitoring of cases to contain them.
Among the measures recommended to farmers is for bird farmers to ensure that all movement of birds and bird products are strictly supervised by the Ghana Veterinary Services.
Farmers are also required to report suspected cases to the Ghana Veterinary Services.
Bird flu, also known as avian influenza, is a disease caused by flu viruses in birds.
These flu viruses occur naturally among wild birds, which fly from country to country, spreading the disease to domestic birds.
Bird flu can affect humans when they come into direct contact with sick birds, their droppings or body fluids, or eat improperly cooked birds that are infected.
Dr Patrick Abakeh, Director, Ghana Veterinary Services Directorate, in an earlier interview with Ashantibiz, said the current outbreak was first detected on July 6, after which samples were taken to the laboratory and confirmed on July 8, 2021.
Source: Ashantibiz
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