The Bosome Freho District is one of the 260 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs) in Ghana, and forms part of the 43 of MMDAs in the Ashanti Region with Asiwa as the Administrative capital.
The District is located in the south eastern part of the Ashanti Region and lies within Latitude 6º 00’N and 6º 26’N and Longitudes 1º 00 W and 1º 30 W. It covers a total land area of about 630 sq. km.
Bosome Freho District shares boundaries with Bekwai Municipal to the west, Ejisu Municipal and Bosomtwe District to the north, Asante Akim South Municipal to the south and Birim North to the south.
The population of the District according to the 2010 Population and Housing Census stands at 60,397 With 29,753 males 30,644 females.