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Dormaahemaa allegedly storms Bormaa Palace with “thugs” and guns

Dormaahemaa, Nana Odeneho Akosua Fima II, has been accused of storming the Bormaa Palace with suspected thugs wielding guns and other offensive weapons.

The Queenmother was allegedly wielding a pump action gun, forced open the Palace in Bormaa, and forcefully entered the Palace.

An eyewitness who disclosed this on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5Fm said the residents were shocked at the incident and mobilized themselves, but by the time they got to the scene, the Queenmother and her people had left.

According to him, the Queenmother has promised to return with her people, and the young men in the area have threatened to meet her and her team boot for boot.

According to the eyewitness, who identified himself as Godwin, the issue that prompted this is an ongoing chieftaincy dispute between the two communities.

He claimed that in 1935, the people of Bormaa handed over the throne to the Dormaahene because their descendants were too young to be chiefs.

He went on to say that the Bormaa people are now demanding their birth rights because they now have people qualified to be chiefs, but the issue has been pending for years.

He said no casualty was recorded because, at the time the Dormaahemaa arrived, there was no one at the Bormaa Palace.

He said the Queenmother poured libation at the Bormaa Palace after she broke the padlock to the Palace.

He added the Police are now at the scene, but it could be difficult for them to manage the situation should the Dormaahene return to the area.






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