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Manhyia Gov’t Hospital: Nurses on strike over NSS Director’s attack

  • Post category:Ashanti-news

The Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association(GRNMA) has directed its members at the Manhyia Government Hospital to lay down their tools effective today, in protest of government’s failure to sack the Ashanti Regional NSS Director.

The directive comes after the expiration of a 72-hour ultimatum given to the government to dismiss the NSS official following his attack on a nurse at post at the Manhyia government hospital.

A memo posted on the Hospital’s Notice Board by the leadership of the GRNMA asked all leaders of regional branches and all nurses and midwives to respect the roadmap issued on the planned protest.

GRNMA is expected to begin a nationwide strike effective 9th December 2022 if the NSS Boss is still not fired by authorities.

“We expect National Service Scheme and government for that matter to sack Mr. Alex Opoku Mensah and we hope they do that without any further delay to avert disruptions in the nursing and midwifery services across the country,” the memo read.

The Management of the National Service Scheme (NSS) has suspended the Ashanti Regional Director, Mr. Alex Opoku Mensah following his alleged verbal assault on the Manhyia nurse.

Mr. Opoku Mensah is expected to appear before an investigative Committee on Monday, December 5, 2022.

A committee comprising representatives from the National Service Scheme, the Public Services Commission, and the Ministry of Education, has been set up to investigate the matter and to submit its report to the NSS Management within one month, according to a statement issued by the NSS.





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