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The persistent problem of flooding in Accra: A deep dive

  • Post category:National

Perennial flooding in Accra has become a recurring nightmare for residents, disrupting lives, damaging infrastructure, and posing a significant threat to public health. The causes of this persistent problem are multifaceted and require urgent attention to mitigate its devastating effects.

One of the primary factors contributing to flooding is the city’s inadequate drainage system. Many areas of Accra lack proper drainage channels, while existing ones are often clogged with debris and waste, reducing their capacity to effectively drain stormwater. This leads to the accumulation of water on roads, streets, and low-lying areas, causing widespread flooding during heavy rainfall.

Another contributing factor is the rapid urbanization of Accra, which has resulted in the expansion of impervious surfaces such as buildings, roads, and parking lots. These surfaces prevent rainwater from infiltrating the ground, leading to increased runoff and exacerbating flooding. Additionally, the encroachment on wetlands and natural drainage channels for development purposes has further reduced the city’s capacity to absorb excess water.

Climate change is also playing a role in the increased frequency and intensity of flooding in Accra. Rising sea levels and more frequent extreme weather events, such as heavy downpours, are putting additional strain on the city’s drainage system. The combination of these factors has resulted in the severe flooding witnessed in recent years, causing widespread damage and displacement.

Specific areas of Accra that are particularly vulnerable to flooding include the Kasoa Highway, Circle, Kaneshie, and Mateheko. These areas often experience traffic gridlock and disruption of economic activities due to flooding. The flooding also poses health risks, as stagnant water can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects.

Addressing the problem of perennial flooding in Accra requires a comprehensive approach that involves improving drainage infrastructure, promoting sustainable urban development practices, and implementing measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. Collaboration between government agencies, city planners, and residents is crucial to develop and implement effective solutions that will protect the city from the devastating impacts of flooding.




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